Multiplier Events

MONTHS M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29

M.E. in LT

M.E in Italy (final)

 “New European Bauhaus”  strengthen the links between the world of culture and creativity and the world of production, science and technology, to guide the ecological transition pursued by the Green New Deal and the New Generation of the EU.

1st Multiplier Event

DIGICULT – Cultural Heritage: a source of resilience and learning through digital education

Leading organisation: eMundus
Country of Venue: Lithuania
Start – end period: M23 November 2023

Will be organised with the aim to reveal all the project results.

Audience: national audience composed by at least 50 representatives from all target groups (and about 250 remotely by streaming): 

  • primary target groups/participants: VET young people and VET Trainers,
  • secondary target groups: Institutions and national Authorities, VET institutions and training agencies, cultural associations, Creative SMEs, Public and private organisations, NGOs, cultural heritage foundations, civil society, opinion-makers (media). 

European Authorities, national authorities, Erasmus+ National Agency and Associated Partners will attend the Event. During the event the results and the activities of the project will be demonstrated, the website and the e-learning platform showed and the DIGICULT modules will be explained. 

Video interviews and feedbacks from the beneficiaries who took part in the eLearning pathway of DIGICULT will be shown during the event. All outputs will be presented in order not only to be used by the target but also to be shared and exploited by other institutions, and so boosting the sustainability of the project. 

The event will also involve participants stakeholders in promoting project results, such as the participation of at least some of them in the future exploitation of DIGICULT and in the potential transfer of DIGICULT results in other EU Countries.

Relevant stakeholders and participants will be invited to contribute directly by assessing the results and providing their feedback through questionnaires. 

The event (lasting 1 day) will include a cross-sectoral workshop for presenting and discussing in an interactive way the innovative initiatives in DIGICULT validation of competences as well as the future scenarios. The event will represent the occasion also for raising attention of potential members on the benefits of exchanging innovation and knowledge among different actors from all over Europe. 

This activity includes the organisation of the Event/Workshop in KAUNAS at the premises of Conference Hall in the City Council in all details, including:

  • technical and organisational aspects, such as definition of the location and conference hall, agenda, speakers, invitation and registration process, promotional material, press releases, materials to be distributed, etc.;
  • invitation to main stakeholders and potential participants/beneficiaries; special invitation to EU authorities, National Agency, etc; 
  • documentation of the event through clips, photos and reporting;
  • follow up of the event; this activity will be dedicated to finalizing all presentation which were hold by speakers and contacting attendants again for further involvement, distribute event material and evidences to additional stakeholders.

A section of the project website will be dedicated to this event: material, slides, clips will be uploaded for involving a wider audience.

2nd Multiplier Event (final event)

DIGICULT – Cultural Heritage: a source of resilience and learning through digital education 

Leading organisation: CIOFS with the support of TDS and FAI
Country of Venue: Italy
Start – end period: M29 May 2024

Will be organised with the aim to reveal all the project results.

Audience: national audience composed by at least 58 representatives in presence (and about 250 remotely by streaming) from all target groups + 2 foreign participants:

  • primary target groups/participants: VET young people and VET trainers,
  • secondary target groups: Institutions and national Authorities, VET institutions and training

agencies, cultural associations, Creative SMEs, Public and private organisations, NGOs, cultural heritage foundations, civil society, opinion-makers (media). The final ME will be combined in the same days of TM2 – final meeting for the partnership members – so to have the representatives of the Partner organisations as speakers/testimonials at the final Event. Associated Partners will be invited to attend the Event. During the event the results and the activities of the project will be illustrated, the website and the e-learning platform showed and the DIGICULT modules will be explained. Video interviews and feedbacks from the beneficiaries who took part in the e-learning pathway of DIGICULT will be shown during the event. All outputs will be presented in order not only to be used by the target but also to be shared and exploited by other institutions, and so boosting the sustainability of the project. Relevant stakeholders and participants will be invited to contribute directly by assessing the results and providing their feedback through questionnaires. The event will also involve participants stakeholders in promoting project results, such as the participation of at least some of them in the future exploitation of DIGICULT and in the potential transfer of DIGICULT results in other European Countries. 

The event (lasting 1 day) will include: in the morning – a cross-sectoral conference for presenting and discussing in an interactive way the innovative initiatives in DIGICULT validation of competences as well as the future scenarios; 

in the afternoon – a cultural visit at distance of some cultural heritage areas involved in the project, during the “Giornate del FAI” , and the presentation of the DIGICULT Educational Game. 

The event will represent the occasion also for raising attention of potential members on the benefits of exchanging innovation and knowledge among different actors from all over Europe. 

This activity includes the organisation of the Final Event in TURIN at the premises of CIOFS in collaboration with FAI and TDS in all details, including: 

  • technical and organisational aspects, such as definition of the location and Conference Hall, agenda, speakers, invitation and registration process, promotional material, press releases, materials to be distributed, etc.;
  • invitation to main stakeholders and potential participants/beneficiaries;
  • special invitation to European authorities, INAPP Agency, ect.;
  • documentation of the event through clips, photos and reporting; 
  • follow up of the event; this activity will be dedicated to finalizing all presentation which were hold by speakers and contacting attendants again for further involvement, distribute event material and evidences to additional stakeholders. 

A section of the project website will be dedicated to this event by the hosting organization. Attendants and additional stakeholders will be provided with presentations and follow up material after the Multiplier Event.